OFF THE RECORD - Seton Hall Law

Jon Romberg

Professor Jon Romberg is a long-term public interest lawyer and scholar with wide-ranging interests in civil rights, contracts, complex litigation, and federal appellate practice. He is a clinical professor in the Impact Litigation Clinic and also teaches Contracts.

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How Should Working Professionals Prepare Before Going to Law School?

Posted by Jon Romberg on 11/7/16 11:15 AM

While the majority of law students come to law school directly from college, there are a significant number who come from the workplace. If you are someone who started working after graduating from college and are now considering going to law school, you may be nervous about whether it’s a problem that you don’t really remember everything you learned in college. And you may be wondering what you can or should do to prepare for law school.

The answer is—pretty much nothing. Your college experience, whatever it was and whenever it took place, will not hold you back. And your work experience is an asset, not a liability.


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