OFF THE RECORD - Seton Hall Law

Intro to Lawyering: More Than a Legal Research and Writing Course

Posted by Maya Grosz on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

Seton Hall’s first year curriculum includes a class that is not found at many other law schools. It is called Introduction to Lawyering, and it is broadly ambitious. The course introduces students to the core skills, values, and professional habits that are integral to lawyering across many areas of practice. Fundamentally, the course is grounded in the practical experience of real lawyers. It is modeled on what real lawyers do. Seton Hall used to offer a class that is more typically offered at law schools across the country – Legal Research and Writing. So how does Introduction to Lawyering differ from Legal Research and Writing and why did we make this change?


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning, Writing

Re-Discovering a Passion for Health Law Through The Externship Program

Posted by Cheska Tolentino on 4/15/21 11:20 AM

Pursuing three different placements through Seton Hall Law’s Externship Program organically led me to re-discover my passion for healthcare. As an undergrad at Oberlin College, I majored in Biology planning to pursue a career in healthcare and life sciences. But after college, my career path shifted to government and public policy, moving away from the healthcare space for nine years. Then as I took steps to become a second-career law student, I chose Seton Hall Law in large due part to its top-ranked health law program. Little did I know that I would find fulfilling experiences in health law through Seton Hall Law School’s externship program.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning, Clinics, Health Law

A Can't Miss Opportunity for Aspiring Trial Attorneys

Posted by Alexander Corson on 3/18/20 10:30 AM

The Denis F. McLaughlin Advanced Trial & Advocacy Workshop is a must have experience for any student aspiring to be a trial lawyer.  This intensive two-week winter course promised to further develop skills learned in Persuasion and Advocacy but ended up delivering much more. We had opportunities not only to repeatedly practice each segment of a trial, but to receive insightful feedback from at least three highly successful attorneys after each exercise.   


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning

Loving the Law

Posted by Jaden W.R. Jackson on 2/26/20 12:02 PM

Filled with tests and tasks, the journey to becoming an attorney can feel less like a career path and more like an obstacle course. It takes will-power and intelligence; resilience and determination; strength and patience. Before even entering law school, there are a series of facts to consider and decisions to make. You’re required to disclose your entire life to total strangers. It can be uncomfortable and challenging, yet thousands of students embark on the journey every single year. They throw themselves into their studies and often sacrifice much of their personal lives and relationships, all for the dream of one day placing “Esquire” after their name… Why?


Topics: Classes and Courses, Student Life

Professor Ilya Beylin Will Bring Experience as Corporate Lawyer to Classroom

Posted by Ilya Beylin on 7/31/19 8:19 AM

I am thrilled to have joined Seton Hall Law’s faculty full-time in July 2019 after almost a decade of practice as a corporate and financial markets attorney.  As I gear up to teach Business Associations and Securities Regulation in the coming year, I am excited to leverage my practice experience in developing an onramp for students into the world of business law. 


Topics: Classes and Courses, Faculty

Becoming a Leader: Seton Hall Law's Leadership Fellows Complete Another Successful Year

Posted by Paula Franzese on 7/19/19 3:02 PM

This year's class of Leadership Fellows engaged with the community in a variety of ways, launching a website to guide first generation law students on the road to law school and success in law school, partnering with the Association for Children of NJ to create a "know your rights" guide, teaming with a variety of high schools in Newark, Jersey City and beyond to empower those hoping to go to law school, forming a relationship with Girls with Pearls, a mentoring group aimed at empowering young women as they begin their professional careers, and pairing with the U.S. Attorney's Office and U.S. District Court of NJ to facilitate the aims of the ReNew Re-entry Program.


Topics: Classes and Courses

Professor Jacob T. Elberg Will Bring Experience as Former AUSA to Classroom

Posted by Jacob T. Elberg on 3/6/19 7:21 AM

I’m thrilled to have joined Seton Hall Law’s faculty full-time in January 2019 after 11 years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney.  My hope is that my background will provide a unique opportunity for students to learn not only about the key statutes and case law relating to the various classes I teach, but also to gain insight into life as a practicing lawyer.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Faculty, Health Law

Leadership Fellows Explore the Power of Grit

Posted by Paula Franzese on 2/28/19 1:59 PM

The Leadership Fellows Program at Seton Hall Law provides a unique opportunity for law students to cultivate essential leadership skills through experiential learning, teaching, engaging with select readings, participating in the Leadership Speaks series, and planning and executing a dynamic leadership project. Here is how this year's Leadership Fellows Amy Eng ('20) and Deidre Cooney ('20) describe their experiences in the program

On the first day of orientation, Dean Boozang approached the podium and announced an obvious, but difficult truth to grasp: “Ninety-percent of you in this room will not be in the top ten-percent of your class.”  As future lawyers, we know the profound impact grades can have and can get caught in the trap of constantly checking and calculating GPA.  Yet it is a sad and undeniable truth of law school: not everyone can be top of the class.  But this in no way means that the other ninety-percent of the class has no hope of success.  In Professor Paula Franzese’s Leadership Fellows Program and its attendant Leadership, Ethics and Decision-Making class, students learn that grades are only one aspect of a multidimensional you.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Student Life, Experiential Learning

You Can Make The Decision to Be a Successful Law Student

Posted by Brian Murray on 10/2/18 7:55 AM

Law school is one of the most demanding academic challenges that a student can face. Reading dozens of pages to prepare for class, learning a new way of critically thinking and carefully writing, searching for valuable work experience, and establishing relationships with fellow students and professors require lots of time and attention. When thinking about my own law school experience, as well as my experiences with students to date, there are a few key themes that seem crucial to success:


Topics: Advice and Tips, Classes and Courses, Student Life

Use Office Hours as a Bonus Learning Opportunity

Posted by Amy Newcombe on 8/31/18 11:15 AM

I encourage my law students to notice what successful law students do and to adopt these behaviors. Savvy learners realize that professors want you to succeed. Professors use a class syllabus and class policies to guide you toward success. Early on in each course, note the professor’s office hours and best contact method. Why? The professor is inviting you to engage with the material outside of class time—take advantage of this invitation.  


Topics: Advice and Tips, Classes and Courses, Student Life, Faculty

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