OFF THE RECORD - Seton Hall Law

Intro to Lawyering: More Than a Legal Research and Writing Course

Posted by Maya Grosz on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

Seton Hall’s first year curriculum includes a class that is not found at many other law schools. It is called Introduction to Lawyering, and it is broadly ambitious. The course introduces students to the core skills, values, and professional habits that are integral to lawyering across many areas of practice. Fundamentally, the course is grounded in the practical experience of real lawyers. It is modeled on what real lawyers do. Seton Hall used to offer a class that is more typically offered at law schools across the country – Legal Research and Writing. So how does Introduction to Lawyering differ from Legal Research and Writing and why did we make this change?


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning, Writing

Seton Hall Law #SummerWorks Series

Posted by Jackie Pirone on 9/18/24 9:00 AM

Over the summer months, Seton Hall Law students sharpen their legal skills as interns in a variety of diverse settings, including federal and state agencies, compliance departments in large corporations, offices of the prosecutor and public defender, public interest groups providing social services, law firms, and sports and entertainment agencies to name a few. Read on to see what each student learned during their experience.  (Content originally posted weekly on Instagram)


Topics: Internships/Jobs, Admissions, Student Life, Experiential Learning

Re-Discovering a Passion for Health Law Through The Externship Program

Posted by Cheska Tolentino on 4/15/21 11:20 AM

Pursuing three different placements through Seton Hall Law’s Externship Program organically led me to re-discover my passion for healthcare. As an undergrad at Oberlin College, I majored in Biology planning to pursue a career in healthcare and life sciences. But after college, my career path shifted to government and public policy, moving away from the healthcare space for nine years. Then as I took steps to become a second-career law student, I chose Seton Hall Law in large due part to its top-ranked health law program. Little did I know that I would find fulfilling experiences in health law through Seton Hall Law School’s externship program.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning, Clinics, Health Law

6 Reasons to Make Pro Bono Work Part of Your Law School Experience

Posted by Lori Borgen on 10/27/20 7:00 AM

Attorneys and law students across the country will be joining the National Pro Bono Celebration from October 20-26, 2024. The ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service launched this important initiative because of the increasing need for vital pro bono services to help low-income individuals and non-profit groups.

As a law student, you can be involved in many activities and take a variety of classes. Here’s why volunteer legal work should be part of your law school experience:


Topics: Internships/Jobs, Experiential Learning, Clinics

A Can't Miss Opportunity for Aspiring Trial Attorneys

Posted by Alexander Corson on 3/18/20 10:30 AM

The Denis F. McLaughlin Advanced Trial & Advocacy Workshop is a must have experience for any student aspiring to be a trial lawyer.  This intensive two-week winter course promised to further develop skills learned in Persuasion and Advocacy but ended up delivering much more. We had opportunities not only to repeatedly practice each segment of a trial, but to receive insightful feedback from at least three highly successful attorneys after each exercise.   


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning

Law Students Volunteer Over Spring Break to Assist Detained Immigrants

Posted by Elianni De La Cruz on 9/18/19 2:15 PM

Attending law school gives individuals the opportunity to act selflessly and help others. Being a part of the Seton Hall Law School community and engaging with those in dire need of legal assistance is at the core of the Law School’s mission. As a member of the Seton Hall Law community, I’m proud to have taken the opportunity to help families detained in Karnes, Texas during Spring Break.


Topics: Student Life, Experiential Learning, Clinics

Weekend Student Spends Spring Break Providing Legal Services to Detained Immigrants

Posted by Kemely Weiss on 6/13/19 4:53 PM

I initially did not see the e-mail for the Karnes trip.  I will admit there are many e-mails that I delete without reading because I know that most of the opportunities offered do not fit my life.  I am part of Seton Hall Law’s first weekend class.  I commute from Long Island.  I work full-time in a state trial court.  I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and take on many other roles throughout the day.  My life is hectic. 


Topics: Student Life, Experiential Learning, Clinics

Leadership Fellows Explore the Power of Grit

Posted by Paula Franzese on 2/28/19 1:59 PM

The Leadership Fellows Program at Seton Hall Law provides a unique opportunity for law students to cultivate essential leadership skills through experiential learning, teaching, engaging with select readings, participating in the Leadership Speaks series, and planning and executing a dynamic leadership project. Here is how this year's Leadership Fellows Amy Eng ('20) and Deidre Cooney ('20) describe their experiences in the program

On the first day of orientation, Dean Boozang approached the podium and announced an obvious, but difficult truth to grasp: “Ninety-percent of you in this room will not be in the top ten-percent of your class.”  As future lawyers, we know the profound impact grades can have and can get caught in the trap of constantly checking and calculating GPA.  Yet it is a sad and undeniable truth of law school: not everyone can be top of the class.  But this in no way means that the other ninety-percent of the class has no hope of success.  In Professor Paula Franzese’s Leadership Fellows Program and its attendant Leadership, Ethics and Decision-Making class, students learn that grades are only one aspect of a multidimensional you.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Student Life, Experiential Learning

State Court Judicial Clerkships - The Next Step for You?

Posted by Denis McLaughlin on 12/20/18 11:19 AM

Although everyone is aware of the benefits of clerking for a federal judge, too many students overlook the tremendous opportunity of being a clerk in the New Jersey state courts. First, the opportunities for a judicial clerkship are plentiful, with nearly 400 trial and appellate Superior Court judges in New Jersey compared to just 33 federal district court and magistrate judges in New Jersey.


Topics: Internships/Jobs, Advice and Tips, Student Life, Experiential Learning

Leadership Fellows Put Vision Into Action

Posted by Stephanie Beach on 4/7/18 8:46 AM

Lawyers are leaders, whether in the courtroom, the boardroom, or on the political stage. But being an effective lawyer requires more than a mastery of legal terminology and knowledge of the intricacies of our justice system. It requires keen leadership, expert acumen, and strength of judgment. It requires the ability to fashion a vision for the bigger picture and, more importantly, the ability to create a desire in others to adopt that vision. And yet studies show that lawyers lack the critical leadership skills that are necessary for success, including stepping out of established comfort zones, embracing collaboration, and cultivating empathy.

The Leadership Fellows Program seeks to change that by providing law students with a unique opportunity to develop effective leadership skills.


Topics: Classes and Courses, Student Life, Experiential Learning, Newark

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