OFF THE RECORD - Seton Hall Law

Understanding Law School Application Deadlines

Posted by Peter Eraca on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

(Post updated September 14, 2023)

One of the top questions Admissions Counselors are often asked is whether there is an optimal time to submit your law school application. The answer depends upon the deadlines of the particular law schools to which you plan to apply. With that in mind, here are a few things to consider as you begin your application process and map out all the deadline dates.


Topics: Advice and Tips, Admissions

Intro to Lawyering: More Than a Legal Research and Writing Course

Posted by Maya Grosz on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

Seton Hall’s first year curriculum includes a class that is not found at many other law schools. It is called Introduction to Lawyering, and it is broadly ambitious. The course introduces students to the core skills, values, and professional habits that are integral to lawyering across many areas of practice. Fundamentally, the course is grounded in the practical experience of real lawyers. It is modeled on what real lawyers do. Seton Hall used to offer a class that is more typically offered at law schools across the country – Legal Research and Writing. So how does Introduction to Lawyering differ from Legal Research and Writing and why did we make this change?


Topics: Classes and Courses, Experiential Learning, Writing

How Multiple LSAT or GRE Scores Impact Your Application

Posted by Peter Eraca on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

(Post updated September 14, 2023)

One of the most frequent questions I get is how Seton Hall Law handles law school applications with multiple LSAT or GRE scores, whether someone should include an addendum explaining an increase or decrease in score, and whether they should retest. Before we get there, let’s talk about exam choice.

Many law schools, Seton Hall included, accept both the LSAT and GRE for consideration, but you should choose one test and stick with it. Often, if the law school is presented both BOTH a GRE and a LSAT, the LSAT will control consideration of the application because the ABA mandates that is what we report regardless of which score we use in the decision process.


Topics: Advice and Tips, Admissions

When and How To Write an Addendum to Your Law School Application

Posted by Peter Eraca on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

(Post updated September 14, 2023)

Once you have tackled your personal statement and secured outstanding letters of recommendation, it is time to stand back and look at the “pieces” of your law school application objectively. It is helpful to view your law school application as a puzzle to be understood by the readers (those evaluating your potential for success in law school and in a legal career).

In most cases the readers will only get to know you from the items in your application file. There will be no interview and no other way to assess your potential. So, stand back and objectively determine – with everything that will be seen in my admissions file, what raises questions? What are the missing puzzle pieces to understanding why I am a good candidate for admission?

If you feel that your application, when viewed as a whole, is missing an important piece of information that could answer the above questions, you should consider writing an addendum. Below are the most common types of addenda we see:  


Topics: Advice and Tips, Admissions

How to Write a Personal Statement for Law School

Posted by Peter Eraca on 10/22/24 9:00 AM

(Post updated September 14, 2023)

There is no doubt that there's just a little bit of pressure on you to write the best personal statement you can. After all, there's no other component of the law school application that you can control as much as this one. And...a well-written personal statement can really help to set you apart from all the other applicants since this is essentially your interview on paper. So, how do you write a personal statement for law school? I'm hoping that I can offer some thoughts to prevent you from dreading the personal statement and instead embrace it as an amazing tool to share your story!


Topics: Advice and Tips, Admissions, Writing

Career Planning for Masters in Legal Studies Students

Posted by Gregory Gamble on 10/15/24 9:00 AM

Seton Hall Law's Office of Career Services (OCS) is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance for our Masters in Legal Studies (MLS) students and alumni. Whether you're looking to pivot into new career paths like compliance, data privacy, regulatory compliance, or risk management, or aiming to elevate your existing career, we are here to assist you. Our services are designed to meet the unique challenges MLS students face, including balancing full-time work with academic commitments. Counseling is offered both virtually and in-person, giving you the flexibility to access support on your schedule. To schedule an appointment, contact us at


Topics: Internships/Jobs, Graduate Programs, Alumni

Seton Hall Law #SummerWorks Series

Posted by Jackie Pirone on 9/18/24 9:00 AM

Over the summer months, Seton Hall Law students sharpen their legal skills as interns in a variety of diverse settings, including federal and state agencies, compliance departments in large corporations, offices of the prosecutor and public defender, public interest groups providing social services, law firms, and sports and entertainment agencies to name a few. Read on to see what each student learned during their experience.  (Content originally posted weekly on Instagram)


Topics: Internships/Jobs, Admissions, Student Life, Experiential Learning

The Award-Winning Seton Hall Law School Leadership Fellows Program Rolls Out Our Strong Futures Initiative

Posted by Nan Lin on 8/8/24 9:00 AM

In collaboration with Catholic Charities of Newark, this year's Leadership Fellows partnered with the Strong Futures program in Union City, NJ to help young people transitioning out of the child welfare system or experiencing homelessness. To enhance their journey toward a brighter future, we developed and guided the transformation of previously abandoned spaces into a Strong Futures home and agricultural gardens. The gardens will provide fresh produce and serve as therapeutic outdoor environments for their young residents, offering a sense of support and purpose-driven investment. Each seed planted symbolizes our hopes for the young people’s futures and our best wishes for their success. We firmly believe in each person's potential to achieve great things. With the guidance and expertise of the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension, the gardens will sustainably and regeneratively thrive. 


Get to Know Newark: Where to Go for Lunch

Posted by Priscilla Febus on 8/5/24 9:30 AM

Whether you are finishing up a morning full of classes or taking a break from an internship, everyone gets hungry around lunch time. Luckily Seton Hall Law is surrounded by a variety of restaurants to choose from, but deciding where to go can be difficult. Seton Hall Law student Zanib Razzaq ’26 has explored Newark’s restaurants since her time as an undergraduate student at Rutgers University-Newark. She shares her favorite spots in Newark and around NJ/NYC on her Instagram @hungryhijabiadventures. Below are some of my favorite picks from her suggestions.


Take Advantage of Office Hours

Posted by Priscilla Febus on 8/1/24 9:30 AM

Since the first day of law school, students are encouraged to attend their professor’s office hours. While it is intimidating to knock on a professor’s door and create a conversation, office hours have a tremendous benefit in making your law school experience a more positive one.

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