The start of a new year and a new semester gives you a do-over – the opportunity for a fresh start. Here are five resolutions to consider for the year ahead:
- Resolve to be the most grateful person in the room. Practice relentless gratitude. Notice every act of kindness and every demonstration of excellence. Decide to be motivated by what you admire, rather than repulsed by what you detest. Express your gratitude out loud, whether in the form of a generous word, a thank you note, or a small gift.
- Resolve to know your worth. Do the work that gets you to the recognition that you are enough and that you are worthy. That worth is your birthright. It is not derived from whatever you do or achieve. It does not have to be earned. It is already yours.
- Resolve to keep showing up. Keep casting out your lines even when it seems that you are entirely unsure about what the future holds. Trust. There is indeed a star that you are under, and life is with you. Decide every day (because it is a choice) that you are with life.
- Resolve to treat people not necessarily as they are, but as they could be. People tend to meet us at our level of expectations for them. So does life. Expect the best, generously give the benefit of the doubt, and forgive often.
- Resolve this year to teach what you are learning. Compassion must be taught in every classroom. The core principles of good citizenship must be taught. Volunteer to teach a civics class in your local school. Democracy must not be taken for granted, and the values that underscore our nation's most essential assurances must be vigilantly safeguarded. Mentor students in lower grades. Inspire those who come after you.
As you process the semester that just ended, do not get thrown off by any grade, rejection or temporary setback. Think of every grade that comes in as information - a diagnostic tool that tells you where you hit or missed the mark so that next time the result will be better.
Remember that the race is long. Take the long view. Shooting stars burn out quickly. Cultivate staying power, persistence and resilience. The door that doesn't open at first is locked for now for a reason. But that doesn't mean you don't try other keys and other doors. The best is yet to be, and what is for you will not pass you by.
Photo by Carlos Domínguez on Unsplash