For students, the end of one semester and anticipation about the next bring highs and lows. Anxiety becomes compounded this time of year. This is an opportune moment to remind the students and children in our lives that no matter the circumstances beyond our control, we remain in charge of two things: our focus and how we treat other people. In that regard, I shared with my children and students these five resolutions to consider for the new semester and the New Year.
Paula Franzese
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Topics: Advice and Tips, Student Life
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Paula Franzese
A reminder for all of us fortunate enough to have work to do.
Continue to be grateful for the work. It will always be your safe harbor against the heartbreaks and sorrows of this life. Keep in mind that you do it not so much for your own sake but on behalf of the countless people and constituencies, most still nameless and unknown to you, who nonetheless are waiting for you to use your emerging expertise to make their lives better. And you will.
Topics: Student Life, Faculty
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Paula Franzese
The Seton Hall Law School Leadership Fellows Program Continues to Inspire
Posted by Paula Franzese on 4/17/24 1:49 PM
Seton Hall Law School’s Leadership Fellows Program, under the direction of Prof. Paula Franzese, is an honors program comprised of third and fourth year law students with demonstrated leadership ability and/or leadership potential. Students selected for the Program participate in the Leadership, Ethics, and Decision-Making course and develop and implement a community-based service project. In the Leadership course students hone decision-making skills, consider the ethical challenges sometimes faced by lawyer-leaders, develop core leadership proficiencies, hone time-management abilities and consider pathways to balance in the legal profession. Distinguished leaders of the bench and bar share their wisdom as part of the Program’s Leadership Speaks lecture series.
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Paula Franzese