OFF THE RECORD - Seton Hall Law

Take Advantage of Office Hours

Posted by Priscilla Febus on 8/1/24 9:30 AM

take-advantage-of-office-hours-600x300Since the first day of law school, students are encouraged to attend their professor’s office hours. While it is intimidating to knock on a professor’s door and create a conversation, office hours have a tremendous benefit in making your law school experience a more positive one.

Seton Hall Law’s Assistant Professor & Director of Academic Success, Daniel Edelson, meets with law students to assist in exam preparations and study tips. One of the first things he recommends to students is to attend office hours. He shares, “office hours are a unique opportunity to receive personalized feedback, gain insights from the questions of your peers, and forge a meaningful connection with your professor.”

Why Go to Office Hours

1. No Questions Go Unanswered

The worst feeling is leaving class confused and asking a classmate for help, but they are equally as confused, or their explanation sometimes does not help. Professors encourage students to attend office hours so that no question goes unanswered. It can be hard for a professor to get through every student’s question in class, so office hours are the opportunity to ask away. Sometimes one moment of confusion can lead to a conversation on other class topics you did not think you would need clarification in.

2. Forming a connection

As a 1L, you will be in a classroom with close to 70 other students that are all eager to learn and have a million questions on a singular case. Unfortunately, this does not give enough time to create a personal relationship with a professor. By visiting a professor during office hours, you can begin to know more about their research and work experience. Many professors are eager to help students outside of the classroom such as with interview advice and how to pick classes for the following semesters. It’s easy to forget that professors were once law students too and understand what it’s like. By forming a relationship, you will be more than just a face in the classroom.

3. be ahead on exam prep

Exam time comes before you know it and sometimes it can be confusing on how to study for each course. Luckily, Seton Hall Law provides an Archived Exam Bank to practice past exams from your professor. A good start to getting to know how your professor reviews answers is by sharing your written responses to past exams. You can start to learn their preference in format and style, which will lead you to a better organized final exam response for them to grade.

tips and tricks for office hours

1. make a running list of questions

If you are concerned about not knowing what to say during office hours, try keeping a running list of questions. While you review notes or you’re in class, whenever you are confused just jot down what your question is. That way when it is time for office hours, you will know what to ask your professor and guide the conversation.

2. attend office hours as a group

It can be intimidating to attend office hours the first few times alone. Luckily, you are not the only one with questions in your class. Attending office hours with a classmate can help ease the anxiety and promote groupthink. Your classmate might have questions you did not consider before.

3. be consistent

Finally, being consistent with office hours will make it easier as time goes by. You and your professor will start building a relationship and your questions will begin flowing easily because you start to understand your professor’s dynamic.

*Photography by Amy Hirschi*

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